Appliances help us do our homework easily and quickly. Of course, we want more time to enjoy the family and do other things more interesting. It is worth mentioning that putting someone or something to do a task will cost us, be it an effort or money.
Let's say, if we wash the clothes by hand, it would take a lot of time. For that we have the washing machine. In the same way that it saves us time and effort, it makes us spend money. 1. Washing machine costs, 2. Soap, softener, water, hot water, 3. Electricity.
Of course, it helps us and saves us a lot of time.
TIME is considered a commodity, which is the most valuable and we will NEVER get it back.
One of the keys to being successful in this world is to see how to delegate actions at the least possible cost.
With that said and going back to the point of Saving More Electricity with Better Appliances. Let the appliances help us with our tasks, but we must do it intelligently.
When buying any appliance, look for the yellow label and the Energy Star emblem. This yellow label gives us important information about how much energy we can save compared to other similar appliances. We want the best performance, with the features and functions we need from that appliance.
Let's see the appliances that we have at home:
Considering that more than 90% of the appliances can be compared and see best the performance and average cost per use. Then we could see how to improve or change for better products.
When we have the need or facility to buy a new appliance, compare the yellow labels. These could help us make our decision between appliances. Let's say that the price between an oven and a similar one does not change much, let's say about $ 25. But the difference in energy savings is $ 15 per annual consumption, and the functions and characteristics are similar, after 2 years you are already saving money and helping the environment.
The most common appliances and those that spend more energy that can be compared with the yellow label:
Air conditioning and heating unit
Water heater
Clothes washer and dryer
Refrigerator and freezer
Oven and microwave
Imagine if you could save 5% energy with each of these appliances. Best case if we could change them all at the same time.
Let's make an effort, for us Save More Electricity with Better Appliances and help our planet by using less electricity.
For more ideas Save More Electricity with Better Appliances, follow our blog.
One of my best tips for saving electricity at home is to pay attention to our electricity consumption. The only way to see how much energy we spend is with the prepaid electricity.
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