Cheaper Electricity Saving Water
I found this very interesting way to save on energy: save water, save energy and save money.
Save Water, Save Energy and Save Money
I’m not only an energy broker, but I also like to save money and take care of the environment. I’m always looking for a way to do all at the same time, this post - Save Water, Save Energy and Save Money – is part of that.
The way we use water in the house affects your energy consumption. That’s right, now with mix-water-faucets, we stop paying attention if the water that we need it’s cold or warm, we just twist the lever to get the water, this will bring a mix of water (warm and cold).
Remember that the warm water comes from the water heater. With traditional water heaters, when the water heater demands water, it takes cold water from outside and these water heaters keep the water at a certain temperature. This means that the water heater is in constant use of electricity.
Tip # 1: We don’t need the water heater on HOT, keep it in warm.
Tip # 1.1: If you leave for vacation, you can turn the water heater thermostat off or set it at the lowest temperature.
Yes, we like warm showers, I get it, who doesn’t? A lot of times we lost track of time and we just stay in the shower longer than we should. Let’s just make a little effort and you will see a difference in your energy bill.
Cheaper electricity saving water
Remember that water is not a renewable prime resource that we need for living. Save Water, Save Energy and Save Money.

LED TIMER SHOWER. It works great, easy to install and they are not as expensive as I thought, under $20 in Amazon. It’s very simple, this showerhead changes the LED light in different colors with that you will notice that time has passed and it’s time to get out of the shower. (Video)
I do a couple of things to save water, save energy and save money:
Tip # 2: I play some music while I shower, by the end of the 2nd song I need to be finishing my shower.
Tip # 3: I shut down the water while I’m soaping/scrubbing myself, this also will make your shower shorter.
So, remember tips 1, 2 and 3. I hope you like the reading while getting into saving energy and more than a few bucks.
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