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  • Writer's pictureGabe C

Prepaid Electricity Rates

Updated: Jun 21

Prepaid Electricity Advantages
Prepaid Electricity Advantages

Prepaid Electricity Rates

I comprehend that prepaid electricity rates are not the lowest in the market. However, prepaid electricity is the easiest and fastest way to get home electricity, for sure!

For many of us, getting our home electricity is a hassle. The need for good credit or be stocked in a contract, just to mention a couple of the most common unnecessary things we do not really need to deal with. Oh, and not to mention that sometimes, we need the electricity service ultra-fast.

Well, let me tell you that, even with slightly higher energy rates, prepaid electricity has its perks.

Advantages of prepaid electricity

  • Competitive electricity rates

  • Same-day energy connection

  • No credit check

  • Daily energy usage notifications

These are just a few important items to consider before buying electricity for my house.

Yes, the prepaid electricity rates are a little higher than postpaid energy rates, however, when you consider all the restrictions and the test you need to pass to get a slightly lower rate with a company that sells energy with a contract, it is a small price that you can live with.

The best way to save on electricity is to know how much energy we use every day.

One of my favorite advantages is knowing how much energy I consume on a daily basis. The reason is that is the only way I can figure it out which appliance is wasting more energy and make better use of it.

I have been using prepaid electricity for years and when I started, I used to spend about $150 per month on home electricity. I learned how to make better use of my washer and dryer, my stove, my furnace, air conditioner, etc. I tested different ways and I noted the difference in my daily energy usage. All in all, I started to reduce my energy spent from $150 to about $60 per month.

Now, everyone is different and family sizes are to consider, however, I can guarantee you that, with prepaid electricity service, you will save money regardless. Best of all, try it and if you don’t get the hang of it, you can cancel at any time and no one will steal your money because you will never be asked for a deposit.

Measure your efforts to save electricity with prepaid electricity.

No Deposit Electricity



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