Control Your Electricity at Home... how nice would would that be?
Well, it’s almost like that, with a few changes in the way that you use your electronics and appliances at home you can Control Your Electricity at Home.
Aside from the efforts all the family do to keep the energy bill as low as possible the head of the family or the one in charge of paying the energy bill can do even more.
Information in our hand is what is making this world spin so fast that sometimes we can’t catch up. We must make the best out of all new technology and we do it for you.
Let me ask you this, would you be more careful with your energy consumption if you could Control Your Home Electricity? I bet you will. What if I tell you that when you receive a monthly statement, you can’t see the days that you used more energy at home.
Control your Electricity at Home - Know your Daily Energy Usage
With Payless Power you can see every day how much energy you are using, this way you can modify the way you use your electronics and appliances and then you make it a habit.
These text messages or emails arrive daily, and you will see the difference of usage and compare to the other days and you will figure if there is something you can change to save on energy at home.
I use prepaid electricity service, at the beginning the text messages and the billing was kind of not easy for me, but I went from a $100 per month spending to about $50 per month spending.
Measure your efforts to save electricity with prepaid electricity!
No Deposit Electricity