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  • samgac19

Save Energy Consumption at Green Concerts. Lower your Electricity Bill

It is so honorable that even great and big artists are expending the consciousness of the people.

Quick and Easy Ways to Reduce Energy Consumption at Green Concerts
Quick and Easy Ways to Reduce Energy Consumption at Green Concerts

One easy example. Create ideas, save energy, green concerts.

For example, a band like Coldplay went beyond the normal protocol and installed fixed bicycles on the first rows, so people needed to paddle in order to generate the electricity needed for the concert. They started by using their family members.

If they think green at the concert, we all save energy, everywhere.

This is just an example; some other artists became even more radical by traveling by sailboat instead of airplane. For some, these ideas could be too extreme, but we need them so common people can understand the importance of the will to do things differently.

You and me, everybody can save energy for lower home electricity bills and in a green concert.

If persons from big status can change and push to a bigger consciousness, then we the people can achieve the same in our daily lives.

Embrace the change, be the change. From your home electricity bill to your entertainment.

Let's be the change we want in the world by changing and expanding our way of life, we all can make this happen.

If you do all these things only at your house is good but let's, be great as we inspire more and more people, so let's take your ideas out in the open for more and more individuals to see. That will inspire change on a bigger scale.

Your moves, your energy.

Remember we are energy and as we move, dance, sing, jump, scream, applaud, or any movement at all, we are constantly creating energy, now is just a matter of harnessing that energy and transferring it to our usage.

More ideas to save energy and save in your home or wherever you are.

  • Green ideas turn them into real use.

  • The more we think outside the box the more we expand.

  • The crazier the better, nonetheless, the bigger to challenge to achieve it.

  • Work with what you have handy.

  • Re-use.

  • Recycle.

  • Cero plastic policy.

  • Encourage your friends to stay wild and free.

If you save energy and lower your bills you will be happier, if you are happier, the world will follow, a happier world, the better the energy around all of us.

Measure your efforts to save electricity with prepaid electricity.

No Deposit Electricity


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